Easy Ways When You Travel Alone


Before this trip, take the best cigar cutter with you when visiting cuba. I didn’t have going to Cuba before, and I had never traveled much on my own. I had traveled around the eastern United States a bit and had been to Hawaii for work ten years before, but that was about it. Instead, bought a round-the-world ticket and a backpack, and after a bit of preparation,  set off to explore the world.

Pack Necessary Things


This tip is very useful if you are backpacking – because you want to carry all those things on your back! Of course, you will need to dress appropriately for the weather conditions of the region(s) you will be traveling to. This may not seem like much for a long trip, but don’t forget that you can wash your clothes during the trip, and it is much easier to ensure that you take off the extras. It’s an excellent concept to at least first know where you are likely to stay in each city you will be staying in until you arrive.

Read Guidebooks

During my travels, I flipped through guidebooks, both online and in books, and I usually knew a few things I wanted to see or play with once I got to a new city. But I never thought of any kind of itinerary in advance it was much more pleasant and much more rewarding to find my way. Almost anywhere you stay, from a cheap hostel to a luxury hotel, there are probably a few men and women who can give you a lot of information about the area that no guidebook can.

Organized Tours

If I had been told in the past that some of my favorite tours were bus tours, I would have laughed. Since I didn’t have my transport in these regions, and since they don’t have the proliferation of train and bus services that you visit in Europe, the cheapest way to cross these nations was by bus. But these were not the normal tourist buses full of elderly people and families with small children. Every day, the bus could leave early in the morning, usually stopping for a tour, but the bus was not the only one. The next morning, you had the option of getting back on the bus with a different leg or staying behind a few days before another bus arrived with a completely different group of travelers .

Use Public Transport

When you are in a big city, the perfect way to get around is often public transport. Fortunately, once you have done this in one city, these skills transfer easily to other cities! But while I was in London on the first leg of my trip, I quickly got to know the ‘tube’ and it became my main mode of transport the whole time I was there. I would say that you should consider it, especially in case you have a small laptop. I wish the small, lightweight laptops that are now available were like that.

Keep Update

Although it is not mandatory to have a computer, it is useful if, like me, you plan to keep an online travelogue. You can indeed find internet cafes everywhere. However, there is often an account at these places, and there are often many people waiting to join. Since I have my notebook, I’ve been able to write my journal entries whenever I want and upload them after finding a place with free wireless internet access (something that abounds every day). I’ve also had the luxury of being able to download photos from my digital camera onto my hard drive, instead of having to wait to get Z.…