Tips When Visiting Beaches in North Carolina


There are lots of beautiful places to check out when visiting Charlotte, North Carolina. But for me, the coast is the perfect vacation destination. As a family, we like to take a different vacation each year, so we try to alternate between the beaches and the hills. Each year we start planning our coastal vacations and explore the beaches we want to see. We’ve been going there since we got married, and my partner and I moved before we hit it off.

It’s a great place to see, and it feels like home to us, especially as we drive down the road and get closer and closer to each of the recognizable landmarks we love so much. After years of visiting the Outer Banks, I have begun to realize that there are several pitfalls that individuals can avoid with a little research. I hope these recommendations below will help you if you plan to visit someday:

Don’t Stay in Crowded Areas


Well, this suggestion might lead to a little discussion as many men and women stay in the area, but check out the small villages south of the area along Highway 12. If you’re looking for all the traditional coastal things like boat rides or putt-putt, you won’t find them in many of the more remote areas, but that’s okay. We never missed a number of these captivating coastal amenities. Even if you are staying in one of these populated areas, take a day and head to the coast.

Don’t Drive on the Shore

drivingThere are beach access ramps along Highway 12 that you can use to get to the coast, and it’s tempting to do so. Who wouldn’t want to take a walk in the sand? You can’t just jump on the first ramp you find and drive to the ocean.

And if you get stuck too close to the beach, you risk getting your car wet. The towing companies down there make a decent living with all the tourists stranded and feeling like it’s a lot harder to push the coast than you think.

Don’t Visit During Peak Season

This one is troublesome to avoid if you have kids, and frankly, we move in the summer with everyone else since our son is still in school. It is astonishing how cheap is the house rent and how empty it is before the summer is in full swing and after it starts to end. Be careful if you are heading up the coast – we are in our favorite parking lot here!…